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Frequently Asked Questions

brand name ideas

Click on one of the questions below. If your question isn’t listed below, give us a call at 1-888-702-2811 or send us an e mail at info@brandnest.com.


We have an extensive catalog of really cool company names. You can search by category or you can search by the keywords that describe your business. When you see a name you like, just click to purchase.

Just click on a name and you'll be directed to our secure online checkout. All your data is stored securely and is kept private and safe. We don't release your personal information to any other organization for any reason.

You'll receive the dot-com domain name, editable logo design and all common law and/or registered trademark rights to the name as part of the purchase. Our transfer team will contact you shortly after your purchase to initiate the domain transfer process. After transfer, you'll have complete ownership and control of the domain name. You'll also be assigned a project manager to answer any questions you have during the design and transfer process.

The names in the BrandNest catalog have all been developed by our all-start team of marketing and branding experts. We know what it takes to create a name that works. The best names are short in length, catchy and memorable. We create names that communicate everything your customers need to know about your business in a single word. That's a pretty tall order!